Adjust-a-Wings Defender White Coated Aluminium + holder
Adjustable Double Parabolic reflector - "Unbeatable Performance" - "Unmatched Productivity
The Adjust A Wings Defenders combine Cutting Edge Science with Biological Beauty & Simplicity to create a reflector system of Unparalleled Performance and Versatility !!Their unique double parabolic shape creates a broad even light spread which can be adjusted (or focused) to produce a range of light intensities and footprints .The Defender Wings are made from H18 (aircraft grade) aluminium which is strong, light weight & dissipates heat efficiently. They are powder coated with a Titanium White coating which is 87 % reflective, heat resistant (will not melt) and gives a high level of diffusion. They have an adjustable lamp holder which allows the gardener to attach a variety of lamp shapes, sizes & wattages. The lamp holders are made from heat resistant poly carbonate plastic which is light weight, strong, and provides extra insulation around the electrical connections. The Adjust A Wings Defenders are quick & easy to assemble (no tools required) and they are packed in flat, compact, postage friendly cartons. Adjust A Wings Defenders are the way of the future !!!