Rhizo Stand (various sizes)
Remove run-off the fast, easy and affordable way with our EXCLUSIVE RhizoStands.
They’re sloped, to automatically channel run-off (waste feed) away before it get reabsorbed by your plants.
Use them to prevent oversaturation, mineral build ups and root rot, since plants can’t reabsorb stagnant, unoxygenated feed.
You’ll also find it easy to reach the optimum run-off of 20 – 30%, so that minerals and salts don’t build up in your pot.
If you’re using RhizoPots, air will still reach and air prune roots so you get a stronger, healthier root network.
You can send the waste feed straight to a nearby drain or waste collection tray.
Both size RhizoStands connect to 25mm pipes, but you can use them with 13mm or 19mm pipes with the right connections.
• Removes run-off before it gets reabsorbed
• Prevents oversaturation, mineral build ups & root rot
• No spillages – clean and efficient
• Easy to use & cheap to buy
• Exclusive to GroWell! Cannot buy elsewhere
• 37.5cm x 37.5cm x 11cm (Standard) or 52cm x 52cm x 12cm (XL)
• Connects to 25mm pipes
If building a system from scratch, consider buying a RhizoSystem. They come with everything you need.
Otherwise, to connect each RhizoStand to 25mm pipework, you will need:(included with stand and available not included on request)
• 2 x 25mm IWS Washers
• 1 x 25mm IWS Nut
• 1 x 25mm IWS PRO Elbow OR 25mm IWS PRO Tee
If gravity can’t be relied upon to direct the run-off, you will also need a RhizoSystem Brain to actively pump the run-off to your chosen location.