High Powered Organics Humic Compost
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Quality humus - with HPO style
High-Powered Organics' Humic Compost is crafted with the same amount of love and science that all of their other products receive. This is no ordinary compost, due to their extensive process that produces a mircrobially-dense, carbon-rich compst brimming with potential and ready to elevate your crops to the next level! You can use High-Powr to reamend, top-dress or make a compost tea out of - any way you give this to your plants is going to increase their growth potential.
This quality carbon is made with closed-loop inputs for maximum consistency on pristine a certified organic farm, and aged for an extended period (up to a year).
In HPO's own words: "If the regular compost is a Maccas cheeseburger, this is a high-end Wagyu steak for your soil."