Digi-Lumen Retro LED Array
You've been using classic HPS or CMH bulbs for forever and a day, and everytime you come into our shop, we ask you "Have you made the switch to LEDs yet?"
While LEDs certainly have you curious, you're just not quite ready to fully jump ship from your old reliables, and besides, your 600w Digital ballast still works a treat anyways so why bother?
If this sounds like you, then perhaps it's time to meet in the middle and try out the new Digi-Lumen Retro LED Array.
This fixture plugs into any boostable 600watt digital ballast and allows you to experience the true benefits of LED Lighting at a lower cost of entry than a dedicated LED light.
While it uses the 600watt power of the ballast, when switched to the boost setting on the ballast this array pumps out a wopping 1820 mmol/s vs the 1100 you may get from traditional bulbs. That means you've just upgraded your power output and increased your lighting efficiency whilst removing the heat problems that bulbs cause - guaranteed to increase your yields and put a smile on your face. All whilst coming in much cheaper than the next equivalent dedicated LED light.
Operating procedures:
- Dimmable to 250 W, 400 W, 600 W & Boost setting
- To achieve maximum output, operate on the highest setting of your 600 W Electronic Ballast
- Designed and fully tested for use with a Digi-Lumen E Ballast on Super Lumens setting (690 watts for a total output of 1820 µmol/s)